Northiam C of E Primary School

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Pretious Sports Hall

Our purpose built sports hall is for both community and school use. The community hours are managed by the dedicated team of Northiam School staff.

The sports hall was built to provide and promote better sporting opportunities and increase the levels of physical activity for all ages in the local community. The sports hall is open throughout the whole year with the community having access at weekends, weekday evenings during school term times and during holiday periods.

There are a range of different sports and fitness clubs offering a variety of different opportunities for adults and children throughout the week. Some of these clubs operate on a ‘pay and play’ basis where you simply turn up and join in, others require joining and payment of a membership fee.  All clubs, however, welcome new faces at any time and will allow you to try the particular activity before you commit yourself to regular attendance.

The dedicated team of Northiam School staff is always looking for and actively encouraging new clubs to establish their home at Northiam. There are many times when the hall is available to hire and the Committee will assist new clubs in becoming successful.

Term time community use

5.30pm – 10.30pm Monday to Friday
8.00am – 10.30pm at weekends

Holiday time community use

8.00am – 10.30pm 7 days (subject to Junior Sport & Recreation programme)

Our SiteFacilitiesPolices and booking forms Hire Timetable and costsClubs

Diocese of Chichester Academy Trust

We exist to provide a first-class option for schools choosing to become an academy. We currently have twenty two schools making up our Trust, each maintaining its own unique character and identity, serving its own distinct community.

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