Our School Day
Our school day starts when the bell rings at 08:45am.

Arriving before the start of school allows children to play with their friends before learning starts promptly at 9 am; there are many benefits for your child to arrive early as they are “ready to learn”.
On Monday mornings we have an ‘Open the Book’ Assembly which is run by the parishioners of St Mary’s. This provides an great start to the week and focuses on our values and bible stories of the week.
Breaktime is at 10.30am. Lunchtime is between 12pm – 1pm.
Our afternoon lessons for all children begin again at 1 pm (everyday except Friday). On Tuesday – Thursday all the children come together for Collective Worship at 3 pm. On a Friday due to our Friday Focus afternoons we have a celebration assembly at 1pm. The school day finishes at 3:30pm. Please see the timetable for your child’s class for more information on how their day is organised.
Total amount of learning time for all children is 32 hours and 30 minutes each week.
The school facilitates a breakfast and afterschool care club. The breakfast club runs from 8am-8.45am and the afterschool care clubs from 3.30pm-4.30pm.