Northiam C of E Primary School

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Friends of Northiam

FoNS (or the Friends of Northiam C of E Primary School) are a group of parents/carers who set up events throughout the school year to raise money for the school and Honeybee’s Pre-School.
The main aims of the FoNS are:

  • To provide the students of Northiam Primary School and Honeybee’s Pre-School with fun, exciting activities to enhance their school year and raise money to fund extra curriculum activities and equipment within the school.
  • To provide a link between the parents/carers and the teaching staff, feeding back information between the two.
  • Provide a connection within the wider community of Northiam and the surrounding villages.

Since the beginning of our tenure in September 2023, the FoNS team have organised a Summer, Christmas and Easter Fair, various disco’s, cake sales, and class fundraisers. We have raised in excess of £5,000 which has been spent on school trips, a Christmas pantomime and chocolate treats, outdoor equipment, year 6 leavers photo books and educational visits from an author and an entomologist.

Diocese of Chichester Academy Trust

We exist to provide a first-class option for schools choosing to become an academy. We currently have twenty two schools making up our Trust, each maintaining its own unique character and identity, serving its own distinct community.

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