Northiam C of E Primary School

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Honeybees - Our Site

Here at Norhtiam Primary school and  Preschool we take children from 2 - 4 years. We have a maximum of 30 children per session. All our children explore in a shared environment, however at set times of the day the two year old's have a designated area where they can enjoy their own space. 

It is our aim to make your child’s first steps towards independence a warm, welcoming, fun and safe experience. We pride ourselves on the quality of care we provide; our philosophy is to nurture children through play and support their development in a safe, caring, stimulating and above all extremely  happy environment.

As part of Northiam  C of E Primary school, Honeybees will work closely with and follow many aspects of school curriculum and school day.

The children will be able to join our whole school for lunchtimes, any special events which take place and will become part of the school community.

They also take part in performances at Christmas and, for those moving up to Primary School, our leavers’ show at the end of the school year. 

Being part of the school allows the preschool to access the school hall, the playground and the field.  The children are also able to use the schools extensive site including the school farm and forest school areas. 



Diocese of Chichester Academy Trust

We exist to provide a first-class option for schools choosing to become an academy. We currently have twenty two schools making up our Trust, each maintaining its own unique character and identity, serving its own distinct community.

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