A Week of Exploration and Discovery in Willow Class!
Last week of term has been a whirlwind of learning and fun for Willow Class! From delving into the world of measurement to exploring classic tales and historical comparisons, our young learners have been busy bees.
In Maths, the class has continued their fascinating journey into the world of capacity. Forget rulers and scales – Willow Class has been getting hands-on, filling different containers and exploring creative ways to measure how much each one can hold. The focus on using non-standard units of measure has encouraged the children to think critically and develop their understanding of volume in a playful and engaging way.
Literacy lessons centred around the timeless tale of The Three Little Pigs. After thoroughly exploring the setting, characters, and plot of the original story, the class delved into exciting variations of the story, sparking their imagination and encouraging them to think about different perspectives and narratives.
Stepping back in time, the children were captivated in History as they compared modern-day household items with their older counterparts. This hands-on activity brought history to life, allowing the children to visually understand how everyday objects have evolved over time and sparking insightful discussions about technological advancements.
In RE, the focus shifted to the significance of rest for Christians, drawing inspiration from the seventh day of the creation story. The children thoughtfully considered the importance of taking time to relax and reflect, learning about the values and beliefs associated with this tradition.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, Willow Class participated in some vital lessons surrounding Internet Safety Day. The children engaged in discussions about the importance of protecting personal information online and understanding the potential risks of sharing information via technology. This vital lesson equipped them with the essential knowledge needed to navigate the digital world safely and responsibly.
A Week of Exploration and Discovery in Willow Class!